Get involved

If you’d like to get actively involved in our community project, we’d love to hear from you! There are three main ways to help:

We need volunteers for a whole range of tasks from serving in our cafe to admin and bookkeeping. Please get in touch by contacting our Volunteer Coordinator Siobhan Smith on 01594 516287 or email her at

Buy shares
Our shares cost £20 each and can be bought by anybody aged 16 years and over. Organisations such as charities and local businesses can invest too. The minimum shareholding is £20 and the maximum is £30,000. The upper limit is designed to protect the Society against shortfalls if a number of investors want to withdraw shares at the same time.

As a shareholder you automatically become a full member of the Society, with the right to vote at our Annual Members Meeting, to receive a copy of the Annual Report and to stand for election to the Management Committee.

You can find full details of our share offer in our Share Offer Prospectus. To download a share application form, click here.

Make a donation
The easiest way to donate is by online transfer to Newnham on Severn Community Benefit Society Ltd, at Cooperative Bank, sort code 08-92-99, account number 65864773. Please use your surname and initials as the reference. Cheques should be payable to: Newnham on Severn Community Benefit Society Ltd and crossed ‘a/c payee only’.