Emperor of Illusion… Prince of Prestidigitation… Maharajah of Mystery… call him what you will, the Great Baldini is a magical legend. THE FAMILY MAGIC SHOW tells his (and Baldwin the magical dog’s) story with many spectacular illusions, from his first trick to his attempt to perform Houdini’s greatest escape. A joyously silly magical romp suitable for children aged three upwards!
Please note that this event will take place at The Armoury Hall, Dean Rd, Newnham, NOT The George.
“Great entertainer with children and adults enjoying the show” Canford School PTA
“Absolutely fabulous – the children (and adults) were enraptured” Fostering Foundation
“Caught Baldini’s Family show with our three-year-old in Bournemouth. Absolutely excellent – entertaining, professional and the magic is spellbinding. Thoroughly recommended!” Eddie Parrott