The Draw Large initiative offered a number of mini-residencies for artists to expand their practice by working on a large-scale drawing, supporting them to create new work during the dark days of winter. Jackson’s Art Supplies donated rolls of paper, so each artist was given a 1.5 metre square of Fabriano and free rein to experiment, network and draw on a scale that their home studios might not accommodate.
This brief but beautiful exhibition is open for only one week – 25th February – 1st March 11am-4pm.
We’ve had great feedback on this pilot and hope this professional development for artists can continue and become a regular occurrence in The George.
Participating artist Grace Engel said “Draw Large has been a great opportunity to take on a challenge, network with other artists, stretch my creative comfort zone and work alongside others in a beautiful studio space.”
The artists come from a range of art practices, including glass making, video and sculpture, as well as printmakers and other visual art media. They are: Ali Roe, Carolyn Black, Cherry Lyne, Chris Comins, Claire Sibley, Dorota Rapacz, Grace Engel, Jacqui Grange, Laura Liddell, Pat Homewood, Sharon Foley, Steph Boocock, Sue Chudley & Wendy Rhodes.