We’re pleased to announce that we’ll be creating our own version of Second Hand September at The George with a pop-up preloved shop. Supporting Oxfam’s second hand shopping campaign fits well with our commitment to helping the environment and we’re sure there’s an appetite for shopping preloved in Newnham.
If you’re looking for a wardrobe refresh you can pick up second hand clothing at a snip from The George throughout the month of September. Bric-a-brac will also be on sale.
Our pop up second hand shop will operate on an ‘honesty box’ system. Once you’ve chosen an item, please take it down to the till where you can pay. The shop will be open during our building opening hours.
If you have items you would like to donate, please come and see us at The George. We are also happy to offer a 50/50 scheme if you have any items which you would prefer to recoup a small profit from.
Acting Chairperson Siobhan Smith said: “Many of us are really excited by the prospect of having a second hand shop in Newnham again and people like the idea of shopping in a way that doesn’t literally cost the earth. The village had a very successful preloved shop before which has been greatly missed. We hope that if this endeavour is well supported, we might be able to think about a more permanent fixture in the future.”
According to Oxfam, fashion has become one of the most polluting industries on the planet, with both the production and the transportation of clothes harming the earth. Fast fashion is a throwaway culture that clogs landfill and drains resources.
By buying, wearing and donating preloved items we can help cut demand, save money and help our planet!
*If you would like to sell any items on a 50/50 basis, please bring your clean items in to the pop up shop (this is in our upstairs ‘workshop’ area). Please label your items with a price, we have provided some tie on tags upstairs in the shop if you don’t have any. We can only sell clothing on a 50/50 basis, bric-a-brac will be sold in aid of The George. On the back of the label please write 50/50 and your initials. You can then display your items on our rail, on the righthand end. We can provide hangers. You will need to keep an inventory of the items and their prices. When we sell an item for you, we will mark the sale in our logbook against your details (you can write your details in yourself or we can help with that). We will be able to pay you any money owed when we balance our till at the end of the month. We will put any unsold items with the money due to you in a bag labelled with your name for collection after October 2. A printed version of these instructions is on display in our shop.